AI-powered Document Processing

Unlock the power of AI for swift and accurate insights from application documents

  • Checkmark symbol representing verification or completion.

    No more manual reviews of payslips, tax returns, or bank statements

  • Checkmark symbol representing verification or completion.

    Obtain proof of income, address, and employment with automated extraction

  • Checkmark symbol representing verification or completion.

    Accelerate your workflow and eliminate manual document scrutiny

Talk to an expert

Experience the speed and simplicity of processing application documents using our Documents Insights solution. Automatically extract valuable data and access it digitally, whether you're evaluating loan applications, conducting affordability checks, or verifying proof of address. Transform your manual processes with digitisation and automation.

Gain an unfair competitive advantage

Approve more complex cases, faster

Tackle your cases that need manual reviews of documents faster. Ensure consistent quality and remove human error and subjectivity.

Improve your decision-making

Take informed decision-making based on accurate and up-to-date information, reducing the likelihood of approving customers who do not align with your criteria.

Regulatory compliance

Maintain and demonstrate compliance with regulations at all times, reducing the risk of legal issues.

Tangible results from day one

Unlock 75% productivity savings

Reduce your manual review of customer application documents from hours to minutes.

Error rate reduction to less than 1%

Lowered risk of errors and omissions with intelligent automation and 99% data extraction accuracy.

Reduce customer drop-offs by 20%

Minimise both your and your customers' manual data entry by pre-filling online portals and offering instant feedback, for a quick and more accurate experience.

Convert documents to actionable insights

Automatically generate verified insights, eliminating the need for manual review of your customers' application documents. Seamlessly integrate into your processes, whether it's your front-end to enhance your online application portal or your back-end systems.

Explore our Product Sheet

Want to dive deeper into our Solution? Our Product Sheet is your go-to resource for a comprehensive breakdown of what we offer. From the cutting-edge processes to the actionable insights generated.
