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The big risk for mortgage lenders

Mortgage lenders is at a crucial juncture. Embracing advancements is imperative for navigating the ever-evolving landscape and elevating their risk management capabilities.


Do Traditional Affordability Insights Still Work for Mortgage Lenders?‍

Traditional methods employed by mortgage lenders for conducting affordability insights have proven to be expensive, time-consuming, and plagued by complex challenges, not least those relating unconscious bias and human error.


Open Banking: Future of finance or not fit for purpose?

Open Banking's promise to transform finance encounters a significant challenge in the mortgage sector, where conventional documentation continues to dominate over innovative data sharing. Is the financial landscape genuinely evolving?


APIs: The invisible game changers in FinTech

Explore how APIs are reshaping FinTech, connecting the dots between innovation and efficiency, in our latest exploration.


Sikoia Unified meets Ahmed Dekmak

We sit down with Ahmed Dekmak, CTO at top fintech Caxton, to reflect on the evolving role of the CTO and the industry changes he has seen over his career.


Sikoia Unified meets Ammar Akhtar

Join us as we engage in a conversation with Ammar Akhtar, CEO and co-founder of Luna Protocol.

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